Incorporation of companies

An increasing number of small, medium-sized and large companies decide to choose the growth opportunities offered by the Mexican market in different commercial fields. Political stability and an ambitious program of economic reforms make Mexico one of the most interesting countries in the world from a business point of view. In addition to this, its strategic geographical position easily enables expansion in North and South American markets. The most advantageous way to develop commercial activities in Mexico is represented by opening a Mexican company that, with the exception of specific cases, can be incorporate with 100% foreign capital.

The procedure for incorporating a Mexican company is very quick and flexible, and can also be carried out from afar by granting limited special powers of attorney. Our firm’s experience means that we can provide guidance in both the initial phase to select the type of company and its incorporation, as well as its subsequent management from a legal, accounting and tax point of view, with the client’s specific needs always at the forefront. The following sections broadly describe the two most appropriate types of company for doing business in Mexico, in other words, the Stock Company (Sociedad Anónima or S.A.) and the Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada or S. de R.L.), as well as the branches and representative offices.

Stock Company

Stock Company

Limited Liability Company

Limited Liability Company

Branches and representative offices

Branches and representative offices

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions